The most beloved person in the Hebrew Scriptures is Moses who became a prophet, a leader, and a friend of God. Of him it is said, “Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face” (Ex. 33.11). A Midrash describes his death: The Holy One exclaimed, ‘Depart, and I will take you up to the highest heaven of heavens, and will set you under the throne of glory, next to the cherubim and seraphim.’ In that instant, the Holy One kissed Moses, and took his soul with that kiss. Moses is an important figure not only in Judaism but also in Christianity (in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is a ‘Moses’ figure). Moses is also popular in the arts, e.g. Michelangelo’s horned Moses, Schoenberg’s opera, the negro spiritual, etc. We all know we are called to be leaders and prophets. We all long for intimacy with God. Moses is one of our great models. Methodology: Study of biblical and midrashic texts amplified with film, poetry and song.
Prof. Sr. Maureena Fritz, nds, Ph.D, a Sister of our Lady of Sion, is Professor Emerita of the Faculty of Theology, USMC, University of Toronto, and is the Founder of the Bat Kol Institute in Jerusalem, whose purpose is defined as “Christians Studying the Bible within its Jewish Milieu, using Jewish sources”. She teaches at the Institute and leads workshops worldwide. She has written several books on praying with the Hebrew scriptures.
Led by: Sr Maureena Fritz NDS
Please arrive by noon on Monday. Course ends with lunch on Friday.
The most beloved person in the Hebrew Scriptures is Moses who became a prophet, a leader, and a friend of God. Of him it is said, “Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face” (Ex. 33.11). A Midrash describes his death: The Holy One exclaimed, ‘Depart, and I will take you up to the highest heaven of heavens, and will set you under the throne of glory, next to the cherubim and seraphim.’ In that instant, the Holy One kissed Moses, and took his soul with that kiss. Moses is an important figure not only in Judaism but also in Christianity (in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is a ‘Moses’ figure). Moses is also popular in the arts, e.g. Michelangelo’s horned Moses, Schoenberg’s opera, the negro spiritual, etc. We all know we are called to be leaders and prophets. We all long for intimacy with God. Moses is one of our great models. Methodology: Study of biblical and midrashic texts amplified with film, poetry and song.
Prof. Sr. Maureena Fritz, nds, Ph.D, a Sister of our Lady of Sion, is Professor Emerita of the Faculty of Theology, USMC, University of Toronto, and is the Founder of the Bat Kol Institute in Jerusalem, whose purpose is defined as “Christians Studying the Bible within its Jewish Milieu, using Jewish sources”. She teaches at the Institute and leads workshops worldwide. She has written several books on praying with the Hebrew scriptures.
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