Living Theology enters its fifth year at Ammerdown with a weekend residential course entitled
“This grace dissolved in place.” Our parish as a place of divine encounter.
The quotation is from Shakespeare’s Pericles. Shakespeare attempts to capture the wonder and awe in Pericles’ gratitude after he is reunited with his daughter who he thought had drowned. It is an expression of encounter, of love in the reality of persons and place. Should we not feel such wonder and awe in our parish life as we encounter our God?
“How might our parishes become such graced places?” In six lectures over the weekend, our speakers will explore many aspects of this challenge.
Dr Michael Kirwan SJ. Michael lectures at Heythrop College, University of London. Since 2014 he has been Director of the Heythrop Institute: Religion and Society. He is a popular Living Theology lecturer, and this weekend marks his welcome return to the Living Theology fold after several years away.
Dr Clare Watkins. Clare, a Catholic lay theologian, teaches at the University of Roehampton. Her special interests are in ecclesiology and sacramental theology, with a particular research expertise in practices and theology. We look forward eagerly to her first appearance at Living Theology.
In addition to the core lectures by Michael and Clare above, the weekend will incorporate liturgy and community living, in the tradition of Living Theology. People of all faiths and none will be welcome.
Further details of the Living Theology weekend at Ammerdown, including appropriate application details, will be available from January 1st 2018 on the Living Theology website: After reaching the site, click on ‘Ammerdown’ to be taken to full booking details. If you should need any further details before January, please email:
Led by: Dr Michael Kirwan SJ & Dr Clare Watkins
Living Theology enters its fifth year at Ammerdown with a weekend residential course entitled
“This grace dissolved in place.” Our parish as a place of divine encounter.
The quotation is from Shakespeare’s Pericles. Shakespeare attempts to capture the wonder and awe in Pericles’ gratitude after he is reunited with his daughter who he thought had drowned. It is an expression of encounter, of love in the reality of persons and place. Should we not feel such wonder and awe in our parish life as we encounter our God?
“How might our parishes become such graced places?” In six lectures over the weekend, our speakers will explore many aspects of this challenge.
Dr Michael Kirwan SJ. Michael lectures at Heythrop College, University of London. Since 2014 he has been Director of the Heythrop Institute: Religion and Society. He is a popular Living Theology lecturer, and this weekend marks his welcome return to the Living Theology fold after several years away.
Dr Clare Watkins. Clare, a Catholic lay theologian, teaches at the University of Roehampton. Her special interests are in ecclesiology and sacramental theology, with a particular research expertise in practices and theology. We look forward eagerly to her first appearance at Living Theology.
In addition to the core lectures by Michael and Clare above, the weekend will incorporate liturgy and community living, in the tradition of Living Theology. People of all faiths and none will be welcome.
Further details of the Living Theology weekend at Ammerdown, including appropriate application details, will be available from January 1st 2018 on the Living Theology website: After reaching the site, click on ‘Ammerdown’ to be taken to full booking details. If you should need any further details before January, please email:
Cost: Residential £215.00 Non-residential: £100.00
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