The Centre is located in beautiful tranquil Somerset countryside, yet is only 12 miles from Bath and 20 miles from Bristol.
Click here for a detailed map.
Travelling by road
Our postcode is BA3 5SW. Use it on Google Maps.
If you are using the M4 from London, we suggest you avoid Bath and come to Ammerdown by taking this route.
And if you are passing through Radstock, these instructions will hopefully avoid you having problems with Radstock's most confusing road-layout.
Travelling by train
The nearest train station (Bath Spa) is only 20 minutes away and has excellent connections to London and Bristol.
To get to the Ammerdown Centre from Bath train station, you can either take a taxi, or alternatively catch a bus to our nearest town Radstock. Bath bus station is conveniently located next to the train station. You will find that buses from Bath to Radstock are frequent during the day.
Once in Radstock, you are only two and an half miles from the Ammerdown Centre. This last stretch in the journey is best done by taxi. Local taxi firms include Tom's Taxis (01761 415 160), Lucky Taxis (01761 233 989), Somer Taxis (01761 417 700) and Radstock Taxis (01761 417 166).
Travelling by air
The nearest airport is Bristol Airport, which is only 50 minutes away.