Carolyn WicksPenmaenmawr, País de Gales Vivo en Penmaenmawr, Gales del Norte. Me dedico actualmente a acompañar a personas durante sus retiros o en sus vidas; coordino un equipo de mujeres que dan catequesis en la parroquia; trabajo en la Ayuda a Mujeres Galesas con mujeres y niños que han sufrido abusos en sus hogares; participo del equipo de vocaciones de la provincia; presto ayuda o estoy a la escucha de quien necesita.
In 1958 I entered the Novitiate in Acton Burnell, Shropshire and pronounced my vows on January 2nd 1961. I celebrated my Golden Jubilee here in Penmaenmawr on January 2nd 2011 with a number of sisters from the Province, members of my family, friends and parishioners. At present I live in the Noddfa Spirituality Centre run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary. I appreciate and value their open house welcome to one and all. During my life I have had some wonderful opportunities given to me by the Congregation and I have received excellent training and further education over the years to enable me to teach, deepen my understanding of Scripture, Theology, Life and Spirituality. I am very grateful for all I have been given. I am passionate about justice, the care of our planet, Interfaith dialogue and women’s issues. I believe profoundly we can make a difference by doing small things like sending letters to those in power to point out injustice, recycling, sharing stories and offering the listening ear. We, in the congregation of Our Lady of Sion, are greatly blessed to have such a wonderful man as Father Theodore as our founder and I delight in the wisdom hidden in his writings. He was indeed a man before his time. He passed on a magnificent heritage to us all, giving us great freedom in our prayer and a deep love of the Word of God. His call to ‘Have Hearts as large as the World’ is continually an inspiration ringing in my ears and a massive challenge to how I live my life. I value the Internationality of our Congregation, and the richness this gives to us all. I was a Primary School teacher for twenty five years in schools run by the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion in Acton Burnell and Worthing. Then I was part of the community serving in the Ammerdown Conference and Retreat Centre set in the stunning countryside of Somerset before coming to Wales. I have the great privilege of journeying with people on their ‘Sacred Ground’ during their personal retreats, it is amazing to see God in others. The work I do with Women’s Aid is profoundly moving as one hears the stories of very broken women, and we try to enable them to find their voice, self esteem and confidence as they take control of their lives and make their own decisions, stand tall and believe in themselves again. I love the wildness and beauty of creation, and really appreciate being able to ‘Watch the Flowers Grow’ in quiet moments. All animals hold a special place in my heart. God is a wonderful and extravagant artist. Walking, gardening, creating picture with paint or on tapestries and swimming are my hobbies. |
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