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Revista SIDIC - 1969/Special Issue
In Memory of Augustine Cardinal Bea (Special Issue) (Pages 01)

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Excerpts of his Curriculum vitae
The Editors


Born on May 28th 1881, in Riedbi5hringen, Baden, Germany.
1912 Ordained to the priesthood in the Jesuit Order.
1917-1921 Professor of Sacred Scripture, Old Testament, in Valkenburg, Holland.
1924-1928 Professor of Biblical Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.
1924-1959 Professor at the Biblical Institute: Exegesis of the Old Testament, Biblical Methodology, Biblical Geography and Archeology, Inspiration and Hermeneutics.
1930-1949 Rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute.
1959 December 14th, created cardinal deacon with the title of Saint Saba.
1960 Appointed President of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity.
Died on November 16th 1968, in Rome, Italy.


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