Documents Joint Christian-Jewish
Catholic documents | Joint Jewish-Christian documents | Jewish documents | Joint Christian documents | Other Christian Churches documents
- Letter to Pope from Int'l Council of Christians and Jews
International Council of Christians and Jews - Deborah Weissman
Alemanha (2009/01/29)
- Déclaration des membres catholiques de l'Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France, avec l'approbation de l'ensemble du Comité Directeur
Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France
França (2009/01/27)
- Joint Declaration of the 20th International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee
Hungria (2008/11/12)
- Dichiarazione Congiunta del XX incontro del Comitato Internazionale di Collegamento Ebraico-Cattolico (ILC), Budapest, Ungheria, 9-12 novembre 2008
Comitato Internazionale di Collegamento Ebraico-Cattolico (ILC)
Hungria (2008/11/12)
- Should Pope Pius XII be canonised? Examining the evidence surrounding Pope Pius XII's canonisation
Kessler, Edward [et al.]
Estados Unidos (2008/10/21) Link:
- Communique of the Anglican Jewish Commission of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Anglican Jewish Commission of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Reino Unido (2008/07/23) Link:
- Lettera dell'Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana di Napoli a proposito della modifica alla preghiera 'per gli ebrei' del Venerdì Santo
Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana di Napoli
Itália (2008/02/14) Link:
- A propos d’une priere pour les juifs approuvée par Benoit XVI
Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France
França (2008/02/08) Link:
- Declaración de México
Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM ) y Congreso Judío Latinoamericano (CJL)
(2008/'9/10) Link:
- Letter to His Eminence Tarcisio Bertone
International Council of Christians and Jews
(2007/08/08) Link:
- Lettera sul 'Motu Proprio' di Benedetto XVI 'Summorum Pontificum'
Federazione delle Amicizie Ebraico-Cristiane Italiane
Itália (2007/08/03) Link:
- Déclaration commune quant à l´importance de la collaboration entre chrétiens et juifs
Fédération suisse des communautés israélites (FSCI), la Fédération des Églises protestantes de Suisse (FEPS), Conférence des évêques suisses (CES)
Suíça (2007/07/09) Link:
- Störung der christlich-jüdischen Beziehungen - Zur Wiedereinführung des tridentinischen Ritus
Stellungnahme des Gesprächskreises "Juden und Christen" beim Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken
Alemanha (2007/04/08) Link:
- The Disruption to Christian-Jewish Relations by the Re-establishment of the Tridentine Rite (Unofficial translation)
Discussion Group “Jews and Christians” of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK)
Alemanha (2007/04/08) Link:
- Déclaration commune juive-catholique : le soin des malades en fin de vie
Commission pour les Relations avec les Autres Religions du Consistoire de Paris (CRAR) et Service des Relations avec le Judaïsme du Diocèse de Paris (SRJ)
França (2007/03/26) Link:
- 6th Academic Meeting between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity (Boston College website)
International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations and Interreligious and Intercultural Affairs to the Liaison Office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the European Union
Israel (2007/03/15) Link:
- The Freedom of Religion and of Conscience and Its Limits - Joint Summary Statement , 2007
Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church
Israel (2007/03/13) Link:
- La libertà di religione e di coscienza ed i suoi limiti - Dichiarazione congiunta, 2007
Commissione Pontificia per le Relazioni Religiose con l'Ebraismo e Gran Rabbinato di Israele per le Relazioni Religiose con la Chiesa Cattolica
Israel (2007/03/13) Link:
- Dichiarazione congiunta a conclusione della XIX riunione, Città del Capo, 4-7 novembre 2006
Comitato Internazionale Di Collegamento Cattolico-Ebraico (ILC)
África do Sul (2006/11/07) Link:
- Learning about Ourselves while Learning about Each Other:
Schiffman, Lawrence - Sievers, Joseph
África do Sul (2006/11/07) Link:
- Conoscere noi stessi conoscendo l'altro: proposte per l'educazione ebraica e cattolica (1)
Schiffman, Lawrence - Sievers, Joseph
África do Sul (2006/11/07) Link:
- Apprendre sur nous-mêmes tout en apprenant l’un de l’autre : Propositions pour l’éducation juive et catholique
Lawrence H. Schiffman - Joseph Sievers
África do Sul (2006/11) Link:
- Joint declaration by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Chief Rabbis of Israel
Williams, Rowan - Amar, Shlomo - Metzger, Yonah
Reino Unido (2006/09/05) Link:
- International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee 19th Meeting. Joint Declaration
International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee
África do Sul (2006/07/06) Link:
- 1er. Simposio De Teología Cristiana: “Holocausto-Shoá: Sus efectos en la teología y la vida cristiana en Argentina y América Latina” - Declaración Final
Confraternidad Argentina Judeo Cristiana
Argentina (2006/05/17) Link:
- First Symposium Of Christian Theology “Holocaust-Shoah: Its Effects on Christian Theology and Life In Argentina and Latin America” - Final Declaration
Confraternidad Argentina Judeo Cristiana
Argentina (2006/05/17) Link:
- Jews and Catholics on Respect for Human Life - Final Statement of the Bilateral Commission (2006)
Bi-lateral Commission of the Delegation of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church
Itália (2006/02/28) Link:
- Ebrei e cattolici: il rispetto della vita umana è un imperativo mondiale. Comunicato finale
Commissione bilaterale della delegazione della Commissione della Santa Sede per le Relazioni Religiose con l'Ebraismo e della delegazione del Gran Rabbinato d'Israele per le Relazioni con la Chiesa Cattolica
Itália (2006/02/28) Link:
- Ante la situacion en el Medio Oriente
Confraternidad argentina judeo-cristiana
Argentina (2006) Link:
- Ascolta, Israele!La prima delle Dieci Parole: “Io sono il Signore, tuo Dio” - Giornata dell’Ebraismo, 2006
Paglia, Vincenzo - Laras, Giuseppe
Itália (2005/11/30) Link:
- Bi-Lateral Commission Meeting
Bi-Lateral Commission of the Delegation of the Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church
Israel (2005/06/28) Link:
- Le relazioni fra autorità religiosa e civile nelle tradizioni ebraica e cristiana
Commissione bilaterale della delegazione della Commissione della Santa Sede per le Relazioni Religiose con l'Ebraismo e della delegazione del Gran Rabbinato d'Israele per le Relazioni con la Chiesa Cattolica
Israel (2005/06/28) Link:
- Rencontre de la Commission Bilatérale
Commission bilatérale de la Délégation de la Commission pontifical pour les Relations religieuses avec le Judaïsme et de la Délégation du Grand Rabbinat d'Israël avec l'Église catholique
Israel (2005/06/28) Link:
- Juden und Christen in Deutschland. Verantwortete Zeitgenossenschaft in einer pluralen Gesellschaft
Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken
Alemanha (2005/03/16) Link:
- Jews and Christians in Germany: Responsibility in Today’s Pluralistic Society
Central Committee of German Catholics - Discussion Group 'Jews and Christians'
Alemanha (2005/03/16) Link:
- Amerai dunque il Signore Dio tuo con tutto il tuo cuore... Amerai il prossimo tuo come te stesso
Rav. Giuseppe Laras e S. E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia
Itália (2005/01/17) Link:
- What We’ve Learned from Each Other: A Report on a Jewish-Protestant Conversation About the Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Representatives of Christian-Protestant and Jewish Communities in the USA - 2005
Estados Unidos (2005) Link:
- Una visione comune della giustizia sociale e del comportamento etico
Commissione bilaterale della delegazione della Commissione della Santa Sede per le Relazioni Religiose con l'Ebraismo e della delegazione del Gran Rabbinato d'Israele per le Relazioni con la Chiesa Cattolica
Itália (2004/10/19) Link:
- Une vision commune de la justice sociale et du comportement éthique
Commission bilatérale de la Délégation de la Commission pontifical pour les Relations religieuses avec le Judaïsme et de la Délégation du Grand Rabbinat d'Israël
Itália (2004/10/19) Link:
- A Common Vision of Social Justice and Ethical Behavior
Bi-lateral Commission of the Delegation of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church
Itália (2004/10/19) Link:
- Una visión común de la justicia social y del comportamiento ético
Delegaciones del Gran Rabinato de Israel y de la Comisión para las Relaciones Religiosas con el Judaísmo de la Santa Sede
Itália (2004/10/19) Link:
- Joint Declaration
International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee 18th Meeting
Argentina (2004/07/08) Link:
- 18a Riunione del Comitato Internazionale di Raccordo tra Cattolici ed Ebrei - Dichiarazione congiunta
Comitato Internazionale di Raccordo tra Cattolici ed Ebrei
Argentina (2004/07/08) Link:
- Declaração Conjunta
18ª Reunião do Comitê Internacional entre Católicos e Judeus
Argentina (2004/07/08) Link:
- L'importanza dell'insegnamento fondamentale delle Sacre Scritture nella società contemporanea per l'educazione delle nuove generazioni
Commissione bilaterale della delegazione della Commissione della Santa Sede per le Relazioni Religiose con l'Ebraismo e della delegazione del Gran Rabbinato d'Israele per le Relazioni con la Chiesa Cattolica
Israel (2003/12/03) Link:
- Statement of the Joint Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church and the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
Bi-lateral Commission of the Delegation of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church
Israel (2003/12/03) Link:
- L'importance de l'enseignement fondamental de l'Écriture dans la société contemporaine et pour l'éducation des jeunes générations
Commission bilatérale de la Délégation de la Commission pontifical pour les Relations religieuses avec le Judaïsme et de la Délégation du Grand Rabbinat d'Israël avec l'Église catholique
Israel (2003/12/03) Link:
- La signification spirituelle de Jérusalem pour les Juifs, les Chrétiens et les Musulmans
Colloque de Glion
Suíça (2003/05/06) Link:
- Declaration of Joint Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church and the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
Bi-lateral Commission of the Delegation of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church
Itália (2003/02/26) Link:
- Declaration de la Commission Conjointe pour le Dialogue Judeo-Chretien
Commission bilatérale de la Délégation de la Commission pontifical pour les Relations religieuses avec le Judaïsme et de la Délégation du Grand Rabbinat d'Israël avec l'Église catholique
Itália (2003/02/26) Link:
- Reflections on Covenant and Mission
The National Council fo Synagogues and the bishops committee for Ecumenical an Interreligious Affais
Estados Unidos (2002/08/12) Link:
- Reflexion über Bund und Mission
Konsultation des Nationalen Rates der Synagogen und des Bischöflichen Komitees für ökumenische und interreligiöse Angelegenheiten
Estados Unidos (2002/08/12) Link:
- Réflexions sur l’alliance et la mission
Comité épiscopal des affaires oecumeniques et interreligieuses et le conseil national des synagues
Estados Unidos (2002/08/12) Link:[]=291&voir[]=1578
- Reflexiones sobre alianza y misión
Consulta del Consejo Nacional de Sinagogas (USA) y la Comisión para Asuntos Ecuménicos e Interreligiosos del Episcopado Norteamericano
Estados Unidos (2002/08/12) Link:
- Cameroun Rencontre interreligieuse: Message de la Consultation
International Jewish Commitee (IJCIC) - Conseil cuménique des Eglises (COE)
Camarões (2001/11/13) Link:
- Recommendation on Education in Catholic and Jewish Seminaries and Schools of Theology
International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee 17th Meeting
Estados Unidos (2001/05/04) Link:
- Protection de la liberté religieuses et des lieux saints
Comité de liaison international catholique-juif
Estados Unidos (2001/05/04) Link:
- Déclaration Conjointe
Comité de liaison international catholique-juif
Estados Unidos (2001/05/04) Link:
- Recommandation de l’enseignement dans les Séminaires et les Instituts de Théologie Catholiques et Juifs
Comité International de Liaison (ILC)
Estados Unidos (2001/05/04) Link:
- Joint Communiqué
International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee
Estados Unidos (2001/05/03) Link:
- Protecting Religious Freedom and Holy Sites
International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee
Estados Unidos (2001/04/04) Link:
- Children and the Environment: A Joint Reflection
Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, N.C.C.B. National Council of Synagogues
Estados Unidos (2000/11/20) Link:
- A Common Declaration on the Environment
Comité de liaison international catholique-juif
Vaticano (1998/03/26) Link:
- A Common Declaration on the Environment
Comité de liaison international catholique-juif
Vaticano (1998/03/26) Link:
- Statement about the Vatican Document We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah
Council of Christians and Jews UK
Reino Unido (1998/03) Link:
- The Rochester Agreement - 1996
The Rochester Board of Rabbis, The Jewish Community Federation of Rochester, The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester
Estados Unidos (1996/05/08) Link:
- A Common Declartion on the Family
International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee
Israel (1994/05/26) Link:
- Une déclaration commune sur la famille
Comité international de Liaison Catholiques - Juifs
Israel (1994/05/26) Link:
- Le procès et la mort de Jésus
Conseil des chrétiens et des juifs
Austrália (1994) Link:
- The trial and death of Jesus
The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria)
Austrália (1994) Link:
- Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel
Israel-Holy See
Israel (1993/12/30) Link:
- Accordo fondamentale tra la Santa Sede e lo Stato di Israele
Santa Sede e lo Stato d'Israele
Israel (1993/12/30) Link:
- The Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem for Jews Christians and Muslims
World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation and the Vatican
Suíça (1993/05) Link:
- Jews and Christians in Search of a Common Religious Basis for Contributing Towards a Better World
International Council of Christians and Jews
Alemanha (1993/03/01) Link:
- Statement of the Hungarian Council of Christians and Jews on Anti-semitism and Nationalism
The Hungarian Council of Christians and Jews
Hungria (1992/10/07) Link:
- Déclaration sur l'antisémitisme et le nationalisme
Conseil des Chrétiens et des Juifs de Hongrie
Hungria (1992/10/07) Link:
- Statement of the Fourteenth International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee meeting in Baltimore
International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee
Estados Unidos (1992/05/07) Link:
- Déclaration
Comité International de Liaison Catholiques-Juifs
(1992/05/07) Link:
- Statement on the occasion of the commemoration of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain
Swiss Bishops' Conference (SBC) and the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SFJC)
Suíça (1992/03/31) Link:
- L'Antisémitisme: un péché contre Dieu et contre l'humanité
Commission Suisse de Dialogue entre l'Eglise Catholique et le Judaïsme
(1992/03/30) Link:
- A Common Declaration on Anti-Semitism
International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee
República Checa (1990/09/06) Link:
- Il Documento di Praga
Comitato Internazionale di Collegamento cattolico - ebraico
República Checa (1990/09/06) Link:
- Déclaration du Comité international de liaison entre juifs et catholiques
Comité International de Liaison Catholique - Juifs (ILC)
República Checa (1990/09/06) Link:
- Statement of the 13th meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee
International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee
República Checa (1990/09/06) Link:
- A Convent and Cross in Auschwitz
Jews and Christians Discussion Group in the Central Committee of German Catholics
Alemanha (1990/04/26) Link:
- Cinquante ans après la nuit de pogroms dans le Reich
Groupe de Travail
Alemanha (1988/02/19) Link:
- The Carmelite Convent at Auschwitz
Wladyslaw Loranc - Polish Minister of Religious Affairs
Polónia (1987/11/10) Link:
- Déclaration Concernant le Couvent des Carmélites à Auschwitz
Groupe de catholiques et de juifs européens
Suíça (1987/02/22) Link:
- Zakhor (Souviens-toi) - Déclaration Concernant le Couvent des Carmélites à Auschwitz
Groupe de catholiques et de juifs européens
Suíça (1986/07/22) Link:
- Declarations concerning the Carmelite Convent at Auschwitz: Zakhor — Remember!
Official delegations of Catholics and Jews
(1986/07/22) Link:
- Orientations for Catholic'Jewish Dialogue
Joint Commission for Catholic-Jewish Religious Dialogue of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops
Brasil (1983/10) Link:
- Orientations pour les relations entre catholique et juifs
Commission Nationale mixte pour le dialogue judéo-chrétien du Brésil
Brasil (1983/10) Link:
- La consultation de Stockholm (Juifs et Luthériens)
Fédération luthérienne mondiale - Comité juif international pour les consultations interreligieuses
Suécia (1983/07/13) Link:
- ICCJ guidelines on the portrayal of Jews and Judaism in education and in teaching materials
International Council of Christians and Jews
Alemanha (1983/04/10) Link:
- Directives du ICCJ sur la façon de présenter les juifs et le judaïsme dans l'éducation et le matériel éducatif
Amitièes judéo-chrétiennes internationales (ICCJ)
Alemanha (1983/04/10) Link:
- Comuniqué officiel - IXème réunion annuelle
Comite international de liaison entre l'église catholique et le judaïsme
Reino Unido (1981/04/02) Link:
- VIII réunion annuelle du comité international de liaison entre l'Église catholique et le judaïsme
Comité international de liaison entre l'Église catholique et le judaïsme
Alemanha (1979/10/29) Link:
- Meeting of the International Liaison Committee between the Roman Catholic Church and Judaism
International Liaison Committee between the Roman Catholic Church and Judaism
Alemanha (1979/10/25) Link:
- A declaration of conscience
International Council of Christians & Jews
Estados Unidos (1979/06/15) Link:
- Joint Statement of Goals and Directions
Jewish - Christian - Muslim Trialogue (Kennedy Institute of Ethics in Washington)
Estados Unidos (1979) Link:
- A Statement of Conscience by Christians and Jews
Group of religious leaders in the United States convened by the Overseas Development Council,
Estados Unidos (1974/06/00) Link:
- A Statement of Conscience by Christians and Jews
Group of religious leaders
Estados Unidos (1974/06) Link:
- German Memorandum to World Council of Churches
Study Group, Jews and Christians
Alemanha (1974/01/04) Link:
- Conclusions et Recommandations
Rencontre judéo-chrétienne
Colômbia (1968/10/21) Link:
- I 10 punti di Seelisberg
Catolici, protestanti ed ebrei
Suíça (1947/08) Link:
- The 10 Points of Seelisberg
60 participants, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish
Suíça (1947/08) Link:
- Les Dix Points de Seelisberg
Conférence internationale extraordinaire du Council fo Christian and Jews
Suíça (1947/08) Link: