Philippines Sion sisters get involved in Community Pantries

24 May 2021

Local people receive rice and eggs.

The MSK (Basic Christian Community) in Barangay Kiloloron, Real, Philippines, has begun holding a weekly Community Pantry: a service that provides food directly to local people suffering from food insecurity.

Pantries like this are popping up all over the Philippines following the initiative of one woman in Quezon City who recognised the difficulties so many were having during the pandemic with its lockdowns and resulting massive unemployment. The principles they operate under are “Give what you can” and “Take what you need”.

The first pantry organised by the MSK was held after Mass on 2 May. It was not advertised in advance and about 20 families benefitted. The news travelled fast by word of mouth, and on the following Sundays the prospect of the pantry continuing to operate attracted an increased attendance at Mass, even though the pantries are not restricted to church goers, but are open to anyone who might be in need. Besides what the Sion community is donating, others are also making substantial contributions, and each MSK pantry can help around 50 families.

The hope is to be able to continue this initiative for quite a few weeks or as may be required. The Sisters of Sion in Manila are also supporting pantries held there.

The MSK Kiloloron Community Pantry.


“Give what you can,

take what you need”


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