Centro Bíblico – Buenos Aires, Argentina

Centro Bíblico Nuestra Señora de Sion

Getting closer to the Word of God

The Centro Bíblico Nuestra Señora de Sion (Our Lady of Sion Bible centre) in Buenos Aires runs two parallel study plans in Spanish to meet different Bible learning objectives: short theme-based courses and a three-year certified programme.

The short theme-based courses aim to make the meaning of Biblical texts more accessible to modern readers, by analysing through different lenses the historical setting in which the Word of God took root among the people. Courses are available onsite and/or remotely.

The Escuela Bíblica (Bible school) has a three-year full-time study plan that is certified by the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) and endorsed by CEBITEPAL, an institute of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council. The course is divided into modules that follow the development of Near Eastern history between the first millennium BC and the second century of the Christian era, and includes study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek languages. It culminates with presentation of a thesis.


The teachers are experts in  Biblical research and education, and present Bible study as a challenge to work in unity within the Catholic Church, among other Christian confessions, and with the Jewish community, in the spirit of Our Lady of Sion.

Course Calendar

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CBF – Jerusalem, Israel

SCDE – London, UK

CERJUC – San José, Costa Rica

Centro Bíblico – Buenos Aires, Argentina

ConSagraE – Brazil