Feast day of Notre Dame de Sion

18 January 2025

20 January 1842 was the day when Alphonse Ratisbonne had an unexpected vision of the Virgin Mary. The apparition helped inspire his brother, our founder Théodore, to establish our Congregation.


It happened in the Church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte in Rome, Italy. For Alphonse, the whole church was dark, except for the chapel where Mary stood, which radiated with light. He wrote of the experience: “She said nothing, but I understood everything.” Mary’s silence spoke volumes to Alphonse, and has stirred the hearts of many over the years.

Towards the end of his life, Father Marie (Alphonse) wrote to a friend: “I have never failed to see the intervention of Mary who is, herself, the hand of God.” Today we celebrate the presence of Mary as a sign of God in our lives.

May the light of January 20 guide our paths and lead us towards peace and justice in the world.


Happy 20 January!



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