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Opening Eucharistic Celebration (Original - English)

04/07/2010: Casa generalícia - Roma | Álbum de fotos

We ended our Sunday by celebrating the Eucharist - and the official Opening of the Chapter.  This may appear somewhat paradoxical; yet, this held its own wisdom, as the delegates spent their first two days, Saturday and Sunday, forming community out of their various diversities.


The Eucharist, prepared by the Province of Brazil was presided over by Fr. Arlindo Pereira Dias SVD, a Brazilian Divine Word Missionary.  Throughout the celebration, our hearts were filled with joy and enthusiasm, even as we were challenged by the great heat- the weather in Rome is sunny and hot!


In the Opening Procession, with each one’s name spoken aloud, we formed a single body as we began, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”


In Sion Firmata Sum:  All the symbols of our provinces, regions and La Solitude were presented and admired.  We experienced Life in our gathering, in the singing that unites and uplifts us, and in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the proclaiming of the Word and the breaking of the Bread.  


    « Hine ma Tov u’manaim

Shevet achim gam’iachad »



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