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As Steadfast As the Olive Tree ...

23/07/2010: Casa generalícia - Roma





Morning Prayer:




Psalm 52: 8 – 9  ‘I am like a green olive tree in the house of God.


 I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.




The olive tree symbolizes faithfulness and steadfastness.  No matter the conditions, the evergreen olive will live and produce fruit.  We are called to remain steadfast as the olive tree – ever green and bearing fruit.





Reflections from two of the Chapter delegates



                    Hoje foi um dia de lembrarmos e sermos desafiadas pela profundidade do que vivemos e nos esforçamos para expressar enquanto falamos sobre como somos e como queremos ser em nossa presença em Jerusalém.

Isto não é porque não sabemos o que seja Jerusalém para nós, nem tampouco devido ao seu significado para todos os povos que lá vivem, ou para “todas as nações” (Is 2,1-5) nem quanto é profunda sua realidade e a promessa de Deus dentro de nós. Mas precisamente porque é tão profunda, tão exigente e tão forte que ultrapassa as palavras.


Nós trabalhamos bastante hoje, para dizer uma palavra sobre Jerusalém. Portanto, semelhante a uma

oliveira, apesar das situações adversas do clima e do solo nós produziremos frutos.


                                                      Mary Babic



                   Our day began with a meditative reflection prepared by the Canadian Province. The focus of the prayer was the olive tree and was accompanied by a beautiful selection of slides. The olive tree can symbolize steadfastness and faithfulness. It will grow and produce fruit in hot, dry conditions, in cold and wet conditions as well as in rocky or sandy soil. Old, gnarled and damaged trees can and do give life to new shoots. The Scripture passages that were interspersed throughout the reflection were Isaiah 11:10-11; Romans 11:17 and Psalm 52:8-9. After some time of personal reflection we were invited to share our response in our group. I invite you to take time with these Scripture texts and listen to what God is saying to you and to us as a Congregation.    


                                                     Mary Barbuto

                                                     If you want to know Mary Barbuto better, click here



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