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Revista SIDIC V - 1972/2
Mysticism: Jewish and Christian (Páginas 03)

Outros artigos deste número | Versão em inglês | Versão em Francês

To the Reader
The Editors


The fourth centenary of the death of Isaac ben Solomon Luria, known as « ha-Ashkenazi » or « Ari » (1534-72), will be commemorated by celebrations in honor of his influence on Jewish mysticism. Mysticism is a dimension of most great religions, an expression of man's search for intimate contact with God.
On this occasion we thought it appropriate to devote the main articles of this issue of SIDIC to Jewish and Christian mystical movements and thought. The article by Francis Martin, mainly inspired by Eastern Church Fathers, argues from the standpoint that mystical experience belongs to the daily life of the Christian believer, since this should be based an love of God and love of neighbor. Kurt Hruby's article is more historical and describes the various forms of Jewish mysticism and their impact on Jewish religious history.
You will notice that in this issue more space is given to information, news items and important events concerning Jewish-Christian relations. This
is in response to many requests. At the international conference of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion last January (cf. SIDIC, V, l, p. 27), the need for more and well documented information was strongly emphasized. It is our intention to follow this suggestion. However, to achieve the purpose of SIDIC; and to contribute efficiently to the improvement of Jewish-Christian relations, we would appreciate your reactions, and any information you might be able to give us. Mutual understanding is impossible without knowledge. Knowledge is a question of communication, which is needed more than ever.


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