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Revista SIDIC - 1967/2
Catechetics (Páginas 01)

Outros artigos deste número | Versão em inglês | Versão em Francês

Editors' Note
The Editors


In sending you the second issue of S.I.D.I.C. we wish to express our sincere gratitude to all who in different ways - by subscriptions, by written and oral support, by criticism - convinced us of the necessity of the bulletin. We have learned that S.I.D.I.C. can indeed be of great help to all who are interested in Jewish-Christian relations, - who are trying to lessen misunderstanding and to build a new relationship between the Church and Judaism.

Good work is already being done, but there is still very much to do. Almost all branches of Christian thinking, teaching and acting need a more or less radical revision. We are eager to improve the bulletin as much as possible in order to be able to serve belEr those who are working hard in many countries to improve relations between Christians and Jews and for the founding of a new world.

Encouraged by these reactions, may we call your attention to the following points

1) In each issue of the bulletin there will be a large section of events, important meetings, articles and book reviews dealing with the main subject, and a section of news notes in which other important events in the world of Jewish-Christian relations, not directly related to the main subject, will be mentioned.

2) In a spirit of common responsibility, we kindly request all our readers to cooperate as much as possible by introducing S.I.D.I.C. to others interested in Jewish-Christian relations, and by sending remarks and suggestions. We plan to establish a national centre (one or two persons) in each country, where information will be collected, and where regular reports on the situation in the country will be drafted. A close link between these centres and the editorial staff in Rome will enable us to give more exact information and to make co-operation more fruitful and efficient. Final responsibility rests with the editors for the use of this material in compiling the bulletin.

3) As it proved too difficult to pay subscriptions directly to our office in Rome, we have decided to.facilitate arrangements by making it possible to pay in each country. In some countries the necessary arrangements have been made, in others we are still looking for a person who could help us in the realisation of this plan. Suggestions will be warmly welcomed. The following is a list of representatives in various countries:

ITALY : M.M.Edward, via Garibaldi 28, Rome. 1,200 Lire
HOLLAND : Miss J. Raas, Haarlemmerweg 75c, Leiden. 7 guilders
ENGLAND : S.M.Evelina, 37 Chepstow Villas, London, W.11., 14s. 3d. (Cheques should be made payable to:
Our Lady of Sion 640-096)
CANADA L. Frizzell, St. Joseph's Seminary, R.R.
8 Edmonton, Alta. $ 2.00 (After September, 1967)
FRANCE S.M.Lodois, 11 rue Jules Guesde, 92 10 F. Issy-les-Moulineaux (Seine)

4) It has been suggested that some persons or groups might be interested in receiving any one number of S.I.D.I.C. Catechetical centres, for example, might like to receive the issue on catechetics; liturgical groups that on the liturgy and so on. We are, therefore, prepared to offer this service to anyone who would like to take advantage of it. The price for one number will be the equivalent of 75c (U.S.A)

5) As announced in the first number of S.I.D.I.C. the next subject to be dealt with will be "The Liturgy". Topics under consideration for 1966 include:
Biblical Exegesis
Dialogue and Jewish-Christian Organisations
Seminary Education
Mass Media Communications
The Teaching of History and other subjects
We welcome suggestions of topics which would be of special interest to readers.


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