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Jewish-Christian Relations 1965 to 1975
The Editors
In presenting the following over-view of the last ten years in the development of Jewish-Christian understanding, the editors have not attempted to be exhaustive. A glance over such a period must necessarily be selective. An effort has been made, however, to note happenings and documents with international repercussions, as well as to give samples of the types of meetings, symposia, studies, etc., that have been taking place on the local level. Since the annotations are brief, the reader is referred to issues of SIDIC where more detailed information is available. Where an event was not reported in SIDIC, reference is made to the relevant issue of Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism (CAJJ) published by the Institute of Jewish Affairs, London, England.
The promulgation of Nostra Aetate in 1965 was not the first step in the process of Jewish-Christian rapprochement. Important events and statements preceded its publication; individuals and groups in different parts of the world were working to break down age-old prejudices and to make Christians aware of their sources; studies had been completed on Christian religious teaching and its unfortunate role in teaching contempt as Jules Isaac had pointed out. Some of this important ground-work is dealt with in the issue of SIDIC on K Dialogue (Vol. 1 No. 3, 1968) and in that on g Texts and Documents b (Vol. III No. 2, 1970).
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