Iasi Community - RomaniaIasi Community is involved in various activities putting our fingerprint feature, which is to witness God's love for the Hebrew people and to pray and work for the fulfillment of promises which he made Israel's patriarchs and prophets for all mankind (see Const. 13). Our Biblical Spirituality tells us to be in society, people imbued with the Word of God, making it known to different categories of people. So, Bible courses are taught at the Franciscan seminary, where seminarians of other religious congregations are studying. In the same time various groups, with a desire to study and deepen the word of God, meet with us for times of study and meditation. There are both adults and young people; and because of our life context, which is Orthodox, some groups are formed from both, Catholics and Orthodox youth. The Community wants to be part of parish life, by suggesting times of Lectio Divina in the parish and catechesis based on the Scripture texts. Biblical values that we try to live, we try to pass to the children in the first years of school. The importance of education and how we do it, we hope to bear fruit for a future worth living for everyone. The word that nourishes us sends us to the sick and marginalized persons. Loneliness touching human person leads to despair, and here our presence and words of encouragement to the suffering rekindles hope that God requires us to keep alive in the world.
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