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SIDIC Periodical XVIII - 1985/3
Apocalyptic (Pages 24)

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Selected Bibliography - Studies in Apocalyptic
Paolo Sacchi


For a history of research into apocalyptic writings cf. SCHMIDT J.M., Die jiidische Apokalyptik. Die Geschichte ihrer Erforschung von den Anfitgen his zu den Texfunden von Qumran, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1969.

Recent Syntheses
RUSSELL D.S., The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic, Philadelphia 1974° (P ed. 1964).
Koch K.,., Ratlos vor der Apokalyptik, Giitersloh 1970.
MuLLER U.B., see "Apokalyptik" in Theologische Realencyclopadie.
DELCOR M., "Bilan des Etudes sur l'apocalyptique", in AA.VV., Apocalypses et theologie de Pesperance (= Lectio Divina n. 95, Paris 1977, 27-42). Idem, "Le milieu d'origine et le devéloppement de Papacalyptique juive" in VAN UNNIK W.C. (editor), La litterature juive entre Tenach et Mishnah, London 1974, 101-117.
BARR J., "Jewish Apocalyptic in recent scholarly study in Bulletin of J. Ryland's Library 58, 1975, 9-35.
The aramaic fragment of the Book of Enoch is published in Marx J.T., The Books of Enoch. Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4, Oxford 1976.

Basic to methodology is the article of
CARMIGNAC J., "Qu'est-ce que l'apocalyptique? Son emploi a Qumran" in Revue de Qumran 10, 1979, 3-33. He upholds the need to distinguish clearly between forms of apocalypse and apocalyptic in what concerns the possible trends of thought. In order to avoid confusion he would prefer not to use the traditional term apocalyptic for the latter; it really does not seem necessary to go as far as that.

For the consequences arising from the new dating given to the Book of Watchers cf.
SACCHI P., "II Libro dei Vigilanti e l'Apocalittica" in Henoch 1, 1979, 42-98. Also cf.
BITZMYER J.A., "Implications of the New Enoch Literature from Qumran" in Theological Studies 38, 1977, 332-345.

Other recent studies particularly concerned with the problem of the origin and significance of apocalyptic (given in alphabetical order):
BARKER M., "Some Reflections upon the Enoch Myth" in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 15, 1980, 7-29.
COLLINS J.J., "Apocalyptic Genre and Mythic Allusions in Daniel" in Journal for the Study of the O.T. 21, 1981, 83-100.
Idem, "Apocalyptic Technique: Setting and Function in the Book of Watchers" in Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44, 1982, 91-111.
DELCOR M., "Le mythe de la chute des anges et de l'origine des geants comme explication du mat dans le monde dans l'apocalyptique juive — Histoire des traditions" in Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 189, 1976, 3-53.
HANSON PD., "Rebellion in Heaven, Azazel and Euhemeristic Heroes in I Enoch 6-11" in Journal of Biblical Literature 96, 1977, 195-233.
JACOB E., "Aux sources bibliques de l'apocalyptique" in AA.VV., Apocalypses et theologie de resperance Lectio Divina n. 95) Paris 1977, 43-61.
Koch K., "Adam, was hart du getan? Erkenntnis und loh Fall in der zwischentestamentlichen Literatur" in RENDTORFP (Ed.), Glaube und Toleranz, Gliters 1982, 211-242.
Rosso UBIGLI L., "Qohelet di fronte all'apocalittica" in Henoch 5, 1983, 209-234.
Idem, "La fortuna di Enoc nel giudaismo antico: valenze e problemi" in Annali di storia dell'esegesi I, 1984, 153-164.
SACCHI P., "Ordine cosmico e prospettiva ultraterrena. II problema del male e l'origine dell'apocalittica" in Rivista biblica Italian 30, 1982, 6-25.
Idem, "Riflessioni sull'essenza dell'apocalittica" in Henoch 5, 1983, 31-58.


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