The Ammerdown Centre,
Ammerdown Park, Radstock,
Somerset, BA3 5SW
Tel: 01761 433709
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> > > Taize Evening

Monthly Taize Evening

On the first Tuesday of every month, from 7.45pm to 9pm, there is a Taize evening of Taize chants and prayer in Ammerdown Chapel, led by a local Taize group.

The evenings are free of charge and currently draw between 30 and 40 people from the local area. They are open to all, and all newcomers and visitors are welcome!

The evenings are led in the style of the Taize community, including simple chants sung in four parts, Gospel reflections, contemplative silence and intercessory prayers for the world.

They are followed by a chance to chat over a cup of tea or coffee by donation. For further information, please contact the Ammerdown Centre.