The spirituality of the sisters of Our Lady of Sion rests on our orientation towards the Church, the Jewish people and a world of justice peace and love.
It’s a dynamic spirituality that never ages, because it leads us to see, and keep seeing, the link between the Word of God and the world around us, revealing the significance of events in human existence. This helps us become more aware of who God is and how God works in our lives and in the wider world, and informs how we live out our vocation, challenging us to constantly evaluate new beginnings.
It’s a spirituality of love, expectation and trust that points towards an unknown future, the future towards which we are moving: the place where Israel and the nations will gather together.
Our spirituality is deeply grounded in the Jewish roots of Christianity. It calls us to seek sustenance in the Scriptures, nature and the human heart.
Spirituality is woven into our life patterns and shapes our existence.
We read and reflect on passages from the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, taking time to consider what they’re saying and how it applies to us. It’s a continuous exploration of our Biblical roots, a search to deepen our spiritual identity.
We pray, renewing our openness to God’s grace every day, and tending a space where God can speak and be revealed more, so we can grow closer to God and contemplate on God’s work in the here and now.
In a context of friendship and in fidelity to the traditions of the Church and Our Lady of Sion, we strive to share the warmth of the Spirit that kindles in our hearts: in our work, in our daily encounters and in everything we do.
The Word of God is central to the Sion vocation. We meditate on it, break it open and share it in communal prayer. And we act upon it, whether its message is reassuring or disconcerting.
Our founder, Théodore Ratisbonne, discovered his faith through studying the Word of God. In our Congregation, women preparing to pronounce their vows dedicate much time to in-depth Bible study in their formation programmes. All sisters read and reflect on both Bible Testaments throughout our lives: alone, together in our communities, and with old and new friends inside and outside the Church.
Many of us share the findings of our study through teaching, academic writing, interfaith work and social projects, as well as in everyday encounters.
Treasuring the Word in our hearts, as Mary did, helps us understand ourselves and the world around us. For all of us, it’s a source of nourishment and support, a light that shows us the way forward.
By Sr Anne-Catherine Avril
Everyone has a vocation of some sort: a gift of self to give to the world. There are many different ways to discover and live out that gift, and one of those is religious life.
At the core of the vocation of the sisters of Our Lady of Sion is a deep sense of being called by God to religious life and ministry. The gift God bestowed upon our congregation towards the Church and the world gives us responsibility to keep alive a consciousness of the bond that ties Christianity to Judaism, and to promote understanding between all faiths. We are called by God to hear the cry of those living on the edge of society and do justice by them.
It isn’t only about what we do but, more importantly, about who we are and who we’re becoming, as we respond to God’s call, with open ears and an open heart. In one way or another, we all practise a simple sort of vocational discernment every day. Through our daily choices, we match our personal set of strengths, weaknesses, commitiments, relationships and opportunities with a way of being that allows us to know and live the life God has in mind for us.