The Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion is a Catholic organisation of vowed women.

The Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion is a Catholic organisation of vowed women.

Our beliefs stem from the Scriptures, and branch out, in welcome, towards the whole of Creation.

The way we are – our work, relationships, study, leisure and prayer – is shaped by our commitment as religious women. The Sion charism, our guiding inspiration, primes us to be open to others and reach out with love, but also stretches us to question, face challenges with courage and, at times, cross boundaries.

The ministries we are involved in include: building peace through interfaith dialogue, teaching, social and environmental justice work, parish involvement and prayer.

We invite you to explore our life of commitment to the Church, the Jewish people and a world of justice, peace and love.

Learn about our identity in Sion

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Undugu Family of Hope home visits, Kenya

Sister Wafaa Ebeid has recently joined a programme supporting families with sick and elderly members in the Kibera …

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Pledge for Muslim-Jewish collaboration in the UK

In February, twelve Muslim and Jewish leaders in the UK signed a momentous agreement to work together for …

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Sion’s guiding principles in your life.

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